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The Super Saiyan Legend

The Legend of Dragon Ball


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Second in command of the Red Ribbon Army, Advisor Black helps Commander Red coolect the dragon balls under the assumption that Red is going to wish for world domination. Upon learning that Red plans to wish to become taller, Black shoots him and takes over the army. His coup is short-lived, however, as Goku kills him and destroys the terrorist organization.


A martial arts master- and an all-round creep- Agent Purple is defeated by Goku in MuscleTower.


Appearing in the Dr. Slump/Dragonball crossover, Akane Kimidori is a tomboy-ish main character of Dr. Slump.


The fourth and final fighter od Uranai Baba, Akkuman had a devilish appearance. He should have been able to kill Goku with ease; however, Goku possesed no evil in him, making him immune to Akkuman's technique of destroying people by awakening their inner evil.


Taurus' henchman in third Dragonball Z movie, Amondo is killed by Goku.


A Frankenstein's monser-looking robot, Android 8 is ordered to kill the young Goku after he tries to defeat The Red Ribbon Army. Because he doesn't like to fight, Android 8 refuses and teams up with the young Saiyan. After the army's defeat, he goes to live a peaceful life with Snow.


Created by one of Dr. Gero's supercomputers, Android 13 was designed to kill Goku. After Dr. Gero died, the computer built upon his hatred and created the three androids sent to kill Goku in the seventh movie. After Androids 14 and 15 were destroyed, Android 13 assembled various parts from them to transform himself in Super 13. After creating a giant Genki Dama(Spirit Bomb) and turning Super Saiyan twice, Goku was able to win the fight.


Created from Dr. Gero's hatred for Goku, Android 14 was big and grey. Immensley powerful, Android 14 fought against Trunks and waas winning until Trunks transformed into the Super Saiyan and killed him with his sword.


Short and blue, Android 15 was created by Dr. Gero'a computer for the sole purpose of killing Goku. Helping Android 14 with his fight against Trunks, Android 15 was told to take care of Vegeta once he arrived. Although he initially gave Vegeta a run for his money. he was no match for the Saiyan Prince after he transformed into Super Saiyan.


Future Trunks is unaware of his existense because he is not awakened in the future timeline. Android 16 doesn't fight any of the Z Fighters, due to programming that identifies Goku as his only enemy. He is shattered by Cell but rebuilt by Bulma and her father. However, when attempting to blow up Cell with his eternal selfdestruct bomb, he is shattered once again, leaving only his head. His final words are encouragement for Gohan to allow his anger to explode so that his hidden power would be released.


The most evil of the androids, Android 17 turns on his creator, Dr. Gero, and kicks off his head, then precedes to smash it with his foot. He is unwillingly absorbed by Cell to help Cell reach his perfection, and dies when Cell does. He is wished back to life without his self-destruct bomb, which all of the androids possess, inlcuding Cell. After being absorbed. Cell isnt heard from much again until Dragonbaall GT, when hefuses with Artificial Android 17 to become Super 17. At that time, he kills his creator once again.


Android 18 is unwillingly absorbed by Cell but is spit out when Super Saiyan 2 Gohan punches hard in the stomach. Krillin is in love with her and wishes for the self-destruct bomb within her to be removed. They eventually marry and have a daughter named Marron. Android 18 is originally human but is given enhancements that make her into an android. In Trunks' future timeline, she and Android 17 are responsible for the death of the Z Senshi and most of humanity.


The weakest android, next to Android 20 of course, Android 19's best technique is to absorb energy through his palms. He and Android 20 are the first to search for Son Goku and are mistaken for the androids that Future Trunks had spoken of. When Android 19 is about to finish Goku, Vegeta interferes because he feels it is his right alone to kill Goku. Vegeta fights 19 and eventually kills him with his lethal technique, the Big Bang Attack.


Angel develops a crush on Gohan after seeing him in his underwear. Gohan agrees to go on a date with her only because he thinks she knows he's the Great Saiyaman. However, she quickly loses interest in Gohan and moves on to a newguy.


A henchman of Lord Slug, Angira is killed when Goku fires Angira's mouth blast back at him.


Annin is the Guardian of the Furnace of Eight Divinations at the border between Earth and the afterlife.


Appearing in the Dr. Slump/Dragonball crossover, Aoi Kimidori is the sister of Akane.


A fighter from the east galaxy, Aqua faces Goku in the semi-finals. He does pretty badly until he uses a special technique which cause the ring to turn into a large lake. However Goku returns the ring normal and knocks Aqua out of it. Being the good sport that Goku is, he congradulates Aqua for nearly defeating him and says that he hopes to fight him again in the future.


The main character of Dr. Slump, Arale is a robot built by Senbe. DUring the Dr. Slump/Dragonball crossover, she saves Goku by defeating Commander Blue.


The sister of Muten Roshi, Uranai Baba is a gifted fortune teller who can see battles when the TV can no longer pick up the camera signals.


A member of the Ginyu Force, Baata believes he is the fastest warrior in the universe; however Son Goku easily defeats him after his 100x gravity training. When in battle, he usually fights along side his teammate Jeice.


Son of Bibi-Dee, Babi-Dee is a short, old-looking sorceror. He resurrects Majin Buu with the help of Doubler in the hope of utilizing Buu's power to rule the universe. However, Buu quickly gets tired of Babi-Dee's constant insults and kills him.


The only participant in the Tenkaichi Budoukai that never bathes, Bacterian is a disgusting and weak fighter. His only main attacks are his body odor and breath. He is eventually defeated by Krillin.


The lone Saiyan who fought against Frieza, Bardock is the father to both Son Goku(Kakarott) and Raditz. When on Planet Kanassa, Bardock aquired the ability to foresee the future, seeing the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Also seeing the future of his son,Kakarott, Bardock attempted to battle Friezato save his son and home world. Unfortunately, he was no match for Frieza and was destroyed along with his planet. His last words to his son were to kill Frieza so that he would die by a Saiyan's hand.


The last of the Tsufurujins, Bebi was made from the DNA of the Tsufurujin king. Genetically created by Dr. Myuu, Bebi's only goal is to kill all Saiyans to avenge the extinction of his race. Because he is a parasite, he infests people by entering through a wound or other body opening. After failing to control Trunks, Bebi travels to Earth while Goku and the others are searching for the dragonballs. Bebi is easily beaten by Goten but eventually succeeds in taking him over. He then moves to Gohan and to his final target, Vegeta. When Goku returns to Earth, all of humanity-except Mr. Buu and Mr. Satan is under Bebi's control.


Mr. Satan's dog, Biru was brought to Mr. Satan by Buu. Buu is confused why the dog didn't run away from him in fear, as most humans do. Upon learning that it's because the animal's leg is broken, Buu heals him and Biru becomes fond of his savior. Biru never seems of afriad of any enemies, particarly the evil Buu.


Creator of Majin Buu, and father of Babi-Dee, Bidi-Dee was killed by KaioShin because of his evil actions. Before that occured, he was forced to seal Majin Buu due to the fact that he couldn't control him. With Majin Buu out of the picture, KaioShin was able to kill him.


Bido is the strongest of Bojack's henchmen. Like all of his companions, Bido's past is never revealed. He is eventually punched in half by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.


Created by Jaga Bada in the 11th DBZ movie, the Bio Warriors probably would have easily defeated Mr. Satan, if it weren't Goten, Trunks and Number 18.


Henchman of Frieza, Blueberry is dog-like in appearance. When searching for Vegeta and the dragon balls, he and his teammate Rasberry encounter Bulma, who has a dragon ball. After learning what the balls can do, Blueberry decides to find them himself and take over the galaxy. He is eventually killed by giant crab after mistaking it's eggs for dragon balls.


Bojack is incredibly strong warrior who has sealed inside a star by the Kaios. After Goku destroys Kaiosama'a planet, Bojack is freed and takes over the Tenkaichi Budoukai. After easily beating Trunks,Vegeta, and Piccolo, Bojack fights Gohan. However, Bojack is easily defeated after Goku helps Gohan becoms Super Saiyan 2


King Gurumesu's Terminator-like henchman in the first DB movie, Bongo follows orders without question. When battling Goku, he is defeated but not killed.


Bon Para, Son Para, and Ron Para are the three brothers hired by Mutchy-Motchy to gather the dragon balls. They use a strange dancing technique to cause their enemies to unwillingly dance until they run out of energy. When Goku asks for the universe's energy, they help out.


Father of Upa, Bora protects Karin tower. When attacked by Tao Pai Pai, he is killed but is later rstored when Goku gathers the dragon balls. He doesn't make that many more appearances in DBGT, but does help when Goku asks everyone on Earth to give him energy to kill Majin Buu.


Gang leader Boss Rabbit has the ability to turn people into carrots. When confronted by Goku, he is defeated.


Vegeta and Bulma's second chils,Bra, doesn't have much of a role in either Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball GT. She has the ability to control ki, as seen when she flew to help Bebi, but never transforms into a Super Saiyan.


The legendary Super Saiyan,Brolly was born with a power level of 10,000. His hatred for Goku dates back to his childhood, when Goku, who also was a child at the time, made him cry. Brolly makes 3 movie appearances in 8,10,and 11.


Kaiosama's small monkey friend, Bubbles was the first step in Kaio's training. To overcome his planet's unusually strong gravity, the student would chase Bubbles until he caught him. It took Goku 2 weeks to catch Bubbles.


The anouncer for all Tenkaichi Budoukai(except for the one held 100 years after the end of Dragon Ball GT), he had a great appreciation for martial arts. He was uusually excited to see Goku and his friends since they were the only true martial arts masters on Earth.


The most psychically powerful of Bojack's men,Bujin is easily killed after Gohan transforms Super Saiyan 2.


Leader of the stealth ship that Krillin,Gohan,and Bulma accidently boarded, Bun's hatred for Frieza and his men dates back to the death of his parents,which occured right infront of him.


One of the Dragon Ball saga's most important characters,Bulma is responsible for many essential inventions,such as the Dragon Radar. Without her, many of the most important events of the storyline never would have occured, such as Gohan and Krillin traveling to Namek in search of the planet's dragon balls. Furthermore, Trunks wouldn't have been able to return to the past-or even existed-without her.


Participant in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai,Butter is one of Krillin's opponents. He underestimates Krillin because of his size, but Krillin beats Butter with ease.


A fat monster encountered by Goku in Muscle Tower,Buyon is defeated when Goku punches a hole in the wall,causing the cold air to freeze him.


The so-called superhero who participates in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai,Captain Chicken forfeits after seeing the Goku and Uub fight. Pretending to hear cries of a damsel, he runs away.


Before Son Goku underwent his 100x Earth's gravity training,Captain Ginyu was second only to Frieza in strength. His special ability is the body switch,which,as the name implies,allows him to switch bodies with his opponent. He is never killed, but rather lives his entire life as a frog after Son Gou tricks him into switching bodies with it.


The high priest of Lude,Mutchy-Motchy would terrorize anyone who failed him and his god,Lude,with a whip and a device that turns people into dolls. He hired the Para brothers to obtain thedragon balls for him so they could resurrect their god. He was killed when his pet Leon was defeated and blew up.


One of the minions of Garlic Jr. When Garlic Jr. returns, Cashew is fairly strong but is killed like all the others.


Goku's opponent in the first round of the afterlife Budoukai, Catapy tries to tickle Goku until he gives up. After Goku frees himself, he comments of how weak Catapy really is. This angers Catapy,causing him to create a cocoon for twelve-hundred years, Goku wins the match.


Dr. Gero's master creation,Cell is supposed to be the perfect fighter, created from the cells of the universe's greatest fighters. The project takes too long to be completed during Dr. Gero's lifetime,but the doctor's computer complets the project on its own. Cell is Dr. Gero's 21st Jinzonigen. In short, he is Android 21. In the Future, he kills Future Trunks and takes his time machine, returning to when Trunks first arrived. His first form is reptilian like, while his second is more human but retains some of the lizard qualities. Upon reaching perfection,Cell looks much more human. He is eventually killed by Gohan in his Super Saiyan 2 form.


Wanting to learn the true measure of Gohan's power,Cell creates 7 Cell Juniorsand orders them to attack the young Saiyan. They are so tough,Vegeta can't hurt them,even at full power. After Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan 2,he easily kill them.


This short alien is Olive's first opponent in the afterlifer Budoukai. He is incredibly fast and fights very well but is defeated after using the split-form technique.


By far the weakest ki-controlling Z fighter, Choazu is left behind from the Cell fight. In the original Dragon Ball, Choazu was an emperor. Throughout all of Z and GT, he follows around Tenshinhan,who treats him like a brother.


This evil dragon was created from the wish to restore all those killed during the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. The dragon almost kills Pan by tricking her inside its body;however'Goku frees her and kills the beast,restoring the seven-star dragon ball.


Owner of a martial arts school, Chindai Ken is a master of the Seikyokuryuken. Unfortunately, he suffers from a disease that quickly drains his energy.


Son of Sensei Chindai,Chinshyou Ken,like Vegeta,is very proud of his strength and thinks Goku is weak. To prevent Goku from participating in the Tenkaichi Budoukai,he puts a laxative in his soup.


Goku saves this little girl during his second trip around the world. After he saves her, she asks him to save her entire village from Ginkaky and Kinkaku.


Met by Goku during his training with Mr. Popo,Chyuri asks Goku to help her find her lost bird. Having a good heart,Goku helps her.


This small child was to be sacrified in the 10th movie to save a village from a monster. When Videl,Trunks and Goten arrived,she is spared,as they promised to take care of the monster themselves.


Incredibly powerful,Commander Blue's only weakness is his fear of mice. He also hates women. He and Goku fight mid-air after he tries to kill everyone witha time bomb. Both crash into the mountains near Penguin Village. When Blue returns to Red Ribbon's Headquarters, he's killed by Tao Pai Pai.


The leader of the Red Ribbon Army,Commander Red secretly wanted the dragon balls to wish to become taller, rather than to take over the world, as his minions had thought. When Advisor Black learns of this,he shoots Commander Red and takes over the army.


Cooler,Frieza's brother, goes to Earth to exact revenge on the person who killed his brother. His power is much greater than Frieza;s, and he has one more transformation. He appears in 2 DBZ movies, five and six. In the sixth movie he returns as a metal cyborg, which can regenerate, and attacks the new Planet Namek.


The teacher of Tenshinhan and Chaozu, Tsurusennin is Kamesennin's rival. At the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai, his students face off against Goku and friends. Upon learning of Tsurusennin's evilness, Tenshinhan and Chaozu leaves the school. Enraged, Tsurusennin is about to attack his former pupils, when he is blown away by Kamesennin's kamehameha.


Piccolo Daimoa's second offspring, Cymbol is sent to find the dragon balls. While attempting to steal Goku's ball, this unluck alien is cooked and eatien by Yajirobe.


Appeared in the Dr. Slump/Dragon Ball crossover.


Said to be the afterlife's strongest warrior, Dai Kaio is head of all Kaio. He presides over the afterlife tournament and promises to personally train the winner, making him or her his first pupil. After Goku wins the tourney, Dai Kaio reneges on his promise because he is afraid the Saiyan will show up.


The god of gods, Dai Kaioshin is kindly and fat. During East Kaioshin and Majin Buu's battle,he saves East Kaioshin and blows Buu into pieces. When Buu reforms himself, he absorbs the benevolent god, resulting in Fat Buu(Mr.Buu).However, Buu retains some of Kaioshin's kindness,changing him from a demon to a laid-back chow-hound.


Daisuko, a sumo-like fighter,competes in the 9th's movie tournament.After reaching the finals,he,like the others,is sent to a second island to compete.However,he is killed by Bido almost instantly.


Taurus' minion in the third movie,Daizu is killed by Goku.


The small Namekseijin rescued from Dodoria by Son Gohan and Krillin,Dende is taken from his village after his family is killed.After Cell is discovered and Kamesama fuses with Piccolo,Dende is brought to Earth to become the new god of the Earth and create new dragon balls.


This fat,purple henchman of Frieza is killed by Vegeta after revealing to him the truth about Planet Vegeta'a destruction.


This reclusive prophet o fLude is fascinated with dolls, especially the Pan doll.During his infrequent public appearances,he performs phony miracles to dupe his followers.He eventually turns all of Lude's followers into dolls so Lude can steal their energy and revive himself.


Domma,Lenne's betrothed,joins Goku and the others when they face Zunama,despite thinking that he didn't stand a chance of staying alive.


This member of Cooler Tokusentai is killed by Piccolo.


Dorobado, Lord Slug's gargoyle-like henchman,is killed by Piccolo.


Overlord of the demon world,Doubler travels to Earth with Babi-Dee in hope of gathering enough energy to resurrect Majin Buu. With his special ability,he turns Piccolo and Krillin into stone before being eatin by Buu.


Father of the ever-annoying Bulma, Dr. Briefs builds 3 ships used by the Z fighters during DBZ. He also helps rebuild Android 16.


Android 8's creator,Dr. Frappe is a brilliant scientist whose genius is exploited by the Red Ribbon Army. When Android 8 refues to kill Goku,the Saiyan save both Frappe and Android 8. Afterwards,the doctor removes Android 8's bomb. DR. KOCHIN

Dr. Wheelo's assistant,Dr. Kochin's job was to find the one strong enough for Dr. Wheelo to take over. He bacame too old after Dr. Wheelo was imprisoned and was replaced by a robot.


The scientist in the 11th Dragon Ball movie who helped create bio Burori.


Dr. Myuu is the genius responsible for creating Bebi. After being killed by his creation,the doctor is sent to hell, where he meets Dr. Gero. Conspiring together to complete the unfinished Android 17, the two create a hell fighter who merges with the original Android 17,creating Super 17.


This scientist is the main villian of the DBZ OVA special. In the attempt to rid the universe of the Saiyan,he sends Destron gasemitting machines to Earth,capable of destroying all life. The Z Senshi destroys all but one,which is protected by an unbreakable energy shield. Traveling to the dark planet to face Dr. Raichii,the Z Senshi fight and easily kill the doctor;however, his cyborg proves more problematic. Combining all of their ki attacks,the heroes destroy the cyborg,causing the gas machine to explode.


One of the smartest men on Earth,Dr. Wheelo used his genius for evil and was inprisoned in ice, which preserved his brain. After his assistant,Dr. Koshin, uses the dragon balls to free him from his icy tomb,Dr. Wheelo seeks out Muten Roshi to obtain his body. After learning that Goku is the world's strongest,however,he settles on a new target.