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The Super Saiyan Legend

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The Super Saiyan Legend

Super Saiyan

This is a powered up version of a normal Saiya-jin.When they reach this stage,they're hair turns bright yellow,and they're eyes turn green.The legend of the Super Saiya-jins state that there can be no stronger force when a Super Saiya-jin is at battle,but this definitley does not hold true.

Saiyans who reach this stage:

Gokou,Vegeta,Brolli,Gohan,Goten,and Trunks

Requirements to reach this stage:

must obtain a power level of over 100,000,and for your first transformation,you must get super pissed,or else the change will not occur.Afterwards,each transformation is simple
Ultra Super Saiyan

This is a beefed-up form of a normal Super Saiyan, who can't quite reach SSJ2. Muscle bulk increases, but speed decreases during this form.

Saiyans who reach this stage:

Brolli and Trunks

Requirements to reach this stage:

Must have a very high power level, but anger has nothing to do with obtaining it.

Super Saiyan 2

This stage is easily more powerful and faster than normal Super Saiya-jin form.In this form,you're hair gets a little longer,and your muscles bulge more.

Saiyans who reach this stage:

Gohan,Gokou,and Vegeta

Requirements to reach this stage:

Gohan reached it during the Cell Games,and Gokou and Vegeta both reached it when they were fighting each other and Vegeta was charmed into Majin Vegeta

Super Saiyan 4

This form can only be seen in the Dragonball GT series.It is not a true Super Saiya-jin[along Z lines,that is],but something of a mix between Oozaru and human.In this form,you keep your hair color,you grow red fur across some of your body[except SSJ4 Gogita,he had brown fur and red hair],and you wear some weird looking pants.In one of VegettoEX's editorials,he believes that this form is the true Super Saiya-jin,because you reach Golden Oozaru from this form,and a Golden Oozaru was shown in the background when Vegeta was explaining the Super Saiya-jin story.I too,must go along with his beliefs,because it just seems to make more sense.

Saiyans who reach this stage:

Goku,Gogetta, and Vegeta(Who only reaches this form with the help from a device that Bulma built)

Requirements to reach this stage:


Super Saiyan 3

By far the strongest[normal]Super Saiya-jin stage.This form is one of the most obscure looking,because your hair is down to your feet,your eyebrow ridges push out,and your eye brows disappear.However,all this trades in for an immense source of power,which definitley helps out in a snap.

Saiyans who reach this stage:

Goku and the fused warrior,Gotenks

Requirements to reach this stage:



This form isn't seen much after the early episodes in Z,but they're shown in GT as well.Oozaru form is when a Saiya-jin with a tail catches a glimpse of a full moon,or an energy level that can mimic it.When they do,they grow fur all over their body,get red eyes,and grow to immense proportions.When in this form,their power is 10 times that of their normal selves.