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The Super Saiyan Legend

The Legend of Dragon Ball


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Previous Episode Summaries!


Cell,perfect again.As everyone except Goku is in shock because of Cell surviving.King Kai then told Goku on Snake Way that Cell was still alive. Cell then explained to the guys how he regenerated. He told them that one part of his organ was still whole and from that he regenerated. When he was whole he was surprised that he ever made it alive. Cell then told them that he would never die,except for Gohan's dad,Goku. Tenshinhan and Yamcha then noticed that Trunks was still alive,but badly wounded. Vegeta then told himself that he had enough of Cell. Cell then asked who was going to fight. Gohan then said he was it,and that his father always said never to give up,even if the odds are stacked up against you. Gohan then prepared to fight. But Vegeta flew towards Cell and blasted a huge amount of ki. Vegeta then kept on shooting ki over and over.Vegeta did this so Cell couldn't regenerate. Vegeta kept on shotting and shooting and then he stopped and claimed that it was over.Cell then flew past the huge amount of dust and smacked Vegeta right in the head. Cell then said it wasnt over until he said it was over. Cell then shot a big blast at Vegeta. Gohan took off right when he shot it at Vegeta. Gohan managed to get in the way of the blast to save Vegeta,but hurt himself real bad. Cell was shocked when he saw Gohan get up.Cell then prepared for the Kamehamaha.And the shocked Gohan just stared at Cell.


Now standing no chanceagainst Gohan, he begins to puff up like a balloon. He tells the Z warriors that in one
minute, he will explode and take the Earth with him. Gohan curses himself for letting
Cell live when he had the chance to destroy him. Goku knows what he has to do. He
waves goodbye to his friends, and places his hand on Cell's enormous body.
Using his instantaneous movement, Goku teleports Cell and himself to Kaio's planet.
He apologizes to Kaio for what he is doing. Cell bursts in a tremendous flash, and
erases Goku's ki (Kaio and his pets also fall victim). Gohan yells for his father.
Appearing at the gates of the spirit realm, Goku and Kaio begin their flight back to the
planetoid. It is at this time they realize something shocking: Cell did not appear in
heaven, and hence is still alive somewhere!
Back on Earth, a blast comes out of nowhere and pierces Trunks in the heart.


Today it showed Cell and Gohan stand off,looking at each other.Krillin complaining why he wouldn't just finish him off.Cell then started kicking Gohan,but Gohan blocked with his arm.Cell then told Gohan to fight him,and Gohan grabbed his leg and kicked Cell across the battleground.Cell then complained that no Saiyan boy could compare with him.Cell then made 2 Destrcto Discs on each hand and threw them at Gohan. Gohan caught the Discs and eliminated them by increasing his power. Cell then flew into the air and used the Hyper Beam Cannon on Gohan.As the blast came toward Gohan,he just smacked it away with his arm. Gohan then walked toward Cell and Cell flew away,towards the air.Krillin then said that Cell was running away. Cell then started charging the Kamehamaha! Goku and friends then got real worried. Cell the blasted the Kamehamaha towards the Earth and Gohan. As it came real close to Gohan,he also blasted a Kamehamaha and it moved Cell's Kamehamaha towards him as well as Gohan's.As Goku and friends cme up from the sand covering them they saw Cell,who was missing an arm,leg,and a foot. Goku then told Gohan to finish him off before he regenerates.The cocky Gohan then said he wanted to play with him some more.Goku then got mad at him.Cell then regenerated all of his missing parts. Cell then unleashed a very big power and became very big.The big Cell then tried to hit Gohan with a big punch,but missed. The both of them then started fighting with Cell as the only one fighting,and Gohan dodging. Gohan then finally punched Cell in his stomach. Cell then spit up Android 18.What will happen next??Come back tommorrow and find out!


Today it showed Gohan and Cell face off. Meanwhile, Trunks was flying around
giving Krillin,Yamcha, and Tenshinhan Senzu Beans. Trunks then told them to
leave while he went to give Goku and Piccolo Senzu Beans. Piccolo then said,
"Now." and the fight started. Goku then, eating his Senzu Bean while they,Piccolo,
Trunks, and Goku,looked up watching Gohan and Cell fight. Gohan and Cell were
punching fist to fist and kicking left and right. Cell trying to hit Gohan with his
punches failed,when Gohan dodged them all with quick swifts with his
head. Gohan then flew downwards with Cell following his tail. Cell then tried to
punch him but the fast Gohan vanished. Cell then looked and Gohan was standing
beside him. They then flew back into the air.Cell then tried to punch Gohan over and
over again but failed. Trunks then gave Vegeta a Senzu Bean.Vegeta complaining
that he hated using them,he grabbed it. Cell then kept on trying to hit Gohan. Cell
then complained why he couldn't hit him. He then said he had enough and got Gohan
cornered and tried to punch him with a mighty punch. Noticing that he missed after the
dust cleared,he looked over his shoulder and saw Gohan in the air. Cell then turned
around and noticed that Gohan was now infront of him. Cell then got mad and
unleashed a big amount of energy. Gohan wasn't affected by this. Gohan flew back
down. Cell then flew toward him and tried to punch him even harder. Cell then noticed
that he missed,he walked toward Gohan and told him that he had a much higher energy
level. Gohan told him to "can it". Cell then unleashed his power. This shook the Earth
all over. The Z Fighters then gasped. Trunks told them that he was bluffing. The Z
Fighters then noticed his strength got bigger as with his speed. Gohan then told Cell
"if that was all he had."Cell then punched Gohan. Gohan unaffected of the punch,
punched him deep in his stomach,knocking his breath out. Gohan then punched Cell
on his head. Cell then trying to keep his balance got scared. Krillin then thought that
Gohan won. Piccolo told Krillin that it isn't over until it's over. Trunks also believed
that Gohan had won this.


Today it showed Gohan turn Super Saiyan 2 again. While turning Super Saiyan 2 he warns Cell to stop. As everyone watched Gohan and gasping thel looked in amazement. Cell then made a smurk and the Cell Juniors then wasn't worried as much and started fighting the Z Senshi. Gohan then had enough and turned SSJ2! The energy Gohan released in the process knocked the TV anouncer and friends back. This caused the Tv to go out and Chi-Chi fainted because of this. Gohan then walked toward the worried Cell and in a quick swipe of his hand,he took the Senzu beans. Cell then gasped and asked Gohan how he did that. Gohan then disappeared and reappeared infront of one of the Cell Juniors. And with a hard punch the Cell Junior blew up. Gohan then disappeared again and then reappeared again infront of Krillin and two Cell Juniors. Gohan the stuck out his hand and prepared to blast some ki. Krillin then told Gohan to not worry about him and do what he had to do. Then, one of the Cell Juniors flew away scared. The other Cell Junior grabbed Krillin and stuck his finger nail that got longer and sharper against Krillin's neck,as if he was threatening that if Gohan took another step he was gonna stick him. The Cell Junior that was holding Krillin then flew in the air and started shooting ki at Gohan. Gohan then reappeared behind the Cell Junior holding Krillin and flew over toward the Cell Junior and kicked him. The Cell Junior blew. Gohan then disappeared and reappeared beside Piccolo,letting Krillin down and then disappeared and reappeared by 2 Cell Juniors. One of the Cell Juniors then used the Destructo Disk on Gohan.Gohan then flew upwards,dodging the blast. While flying upward,the Cell Juniors flew past Gohan and used the Kamehameha and Hyper Beam Cannon on Gohan. Gohan then flew past the dust and kicked and punch ed them and killed them. Gohan then went to 2 other Cell Juniors and threw the bag of Senzu Beans up and punched and kicked and killed them. Gohan then killed the last Cell Junior that was swinging Vegeta by his foot. Gohan then went back toward Cell and looked at him. Gohan then tossed Trunks the Senzu Beans and told him to pass them around. Then, Cell got worried and then mad.


Today it showed the Cell Jr.'s fight the Z Senshi. They fought and fought for awhile and finally one of them laid a hit on Goku,and flew in the air and went underground. The Cell Junior went towards Goku while underground and came up and uppercutted him. Then the Cell Junior laid punches repeatedly on Goku ,and then Piccolo realized that Goku was still weak from his fight with Cell. Piccolo then told everyone that Goku was weak and told them to help. Then everyone looking at Goku to see for themselves. Letting their guards down the Cell Juniors took advantage and hit the Z Fighters.Gohan then looked worried. Then, a Cell Junior knocked Krillin down and repeayedly kicked him while he was down. Yamcha Then got his arm hurt real bad when one of the Cell Juniors knee'd him on his arm. Vegeta then used the Final Flash on one of the Cell Juniors! But the Cell Junior stopped it and went right through it and made go on down to the ground to hit. The Z Senshi then gasped. The TV anouncer then suggested to head back.
Mr. Satan then said he was going to the hospital and get his stomach checked and then come back to kill Cell,as he says. But on their way Android 16 stopped them and told Mr. Satan to take him to the battle ground. Mr. Satan then didn't want to look bad for the viewers and said yes. Mr. Satan grabbed the Android's head and ran while dodging the ki blasts over to the battleground. Mr. Satan then threw the head over to Gohan. Android 16 then told Gohan to unleash his power and not to hold back. And that fighting was not always bad. Cell then dedided to step on the head so it would push Gohan to unleash his power. Cell then told the Cell Juniors to destroy the Z Fighters,he did this to push Gohan to unleash his power. Gohan then heard the screams of his father and Krillin. Then, that was it for Gohan. He unleashed his power and turned Super Saiyan 2! Everyone including Cell and the Cell Juniors looked at Gohan and gasped.


Today Cell and Gohan started fighting some more. Cell started using Frieza's finishing move, which killed Vegeta on Planet Namek, on Gohan. After that failed Cell and Gohan started fighting again. Gohan laid a big kick on Cell,but Cell got right back up and rushed at Gohan and grabbed him with his arms. Piccolo then got mad at Goku for letting his son die like that. Goku then told everyone that he was ok. Cell kept on squeezing and then let go and dropped the breathless Gohan there to catch his breath. Then Goku realized that Gohan was in trouble and told Krillin to give him a senzu bean. But then Android 16 rushed up behind Cell and grabbed Cell, Cell couldn't detect him because he was an android, hoping to use his self-destruct bomb. But little did he know,when Bulma and her dad was fixing Android 16 from the blast of Cell. They removed the bomb because they were worried that something might happen. Android 16 then got nervous and Cell got out of the android's grip and turned around and blasted him to pieces leaving only his head. Everybody then gasped. Cell flew over to Krillin and swiped his hands right through Krillin and grabbed the bag of senzu beans. Cell flew back to where Gohan was layin and kept the senzu beans so they couldn't use them. Cell then made 7 Cell Jr.'s and told them that Goku and friends were their enemies and they could destroy them if it made them happy. The Cell Jr.'s then flew towards Goku and friends. Goku then warned Piccolo and friendsds that the Cell Jr.'s were really strong. the Cell Jr.'s then landed on the cliff that they were standing on,and prepared to fight.